Valentines Day Virtual Balloon Race

This is a reminder about the upcoming Virtual Balloon Race. If you haven’t purchased yours then please do so by following the instructions below. We are hoping for bumper support. Thank you. 

We are pleased to announce that a Valentines Day Virtual Balloon Race will take place to raise funds for the East Lancashire Mark Benevolent Fund. It is hoped that every Mark Mason in the Province will purchase at least one Balloon through the website, details of which arebelow, at a price of £4 per Balloon.

To purchase a Balloon go to:-

2. Press Buy/Gift Balloon

3. Press on the East Lancashire Mark Benevolent Fund tab

Then follow the site instructions.
In addition to the National Star Prizes to be won three more prizes will be made available to those supporters the East Lancashire Benevolent Balloon Race

Should a Mark/RAM Lodge wish to support the Event by way of a direct donation they may do so to the following Account.

Account Name East Lancashire MVF Ltd
Account Number 42686204
Sort Code 09-07-27
Reference Balloon Race

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