Visit to Mark and RAM Lodges in VIENNA

O n the 18th April 2016, WBro Cyril Kennerley   is organising a visit for East Lancashire Mark Masons to Vienna to attend the Meetings of,

New Quarries Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1903                      

New Shores Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 1903    

The Lodges meet on the same day one in the morning and the other in the afternoon in the palatial rooms of the Kaiserhaus, the city palace of Emperor Franz-Stephan von Loheringen

If you are a Mark Master Masons and are interested in accompanying Cyril on this next visit to the Lodges  you should contact Cyril or Malcolm McCarthy as soon as possible for further details.

WBro Cyril Kennerley:  Tel:01254 247833                                                         e-mail


W.Bro Malcolm McCarthy:Tel: 0161 6202711                                                   e-mail

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