W.R.C. 136 meet on Zoom

On Tuesday the 12 January 2021 William Romane Callender Mark lodge 136 held their zoom installation meeting. 
The meeting was opened up by the I.P.M. W.Bro T S Mills with 11 members present. In attendance was W.Bro Gerry Young, APGM, who was made very welcome by the members. The main business of the evening was the ‘Installation’. Most of the officers were reappointed but two vacancies were filled by, as SW, W.Bro Raymond Sullivan and Inner Guard, Bro Roger Bowden. Both members gave their thanks on appointment. Sadly there were two resignations due to ill health. On a brighter note, there are two candidates waiting in the wings to join the Mark Degree.

Following a notice of motion on 6 October 2020 the Charity Steward, WBro T S Mills had pleasure in proposing donations to charity: – £500 to the 2021 Mark Festival, £100 to the ELMBF and £100 to Bury Hospice. W.Bro Gerry Young thanked the brethren for donations to the various charities. The meeting was closed at 8-12 p.m. Until our next Merry Meeting, keep safe brethren. 

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