Wardens Mess 2016

Wardens MessOn 27th May 2016 the 25th Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of East Lancashire Wardens Mess took place at Manchester Hall, Bridge St, Manchester.

The event is always arranged by the Past Wardens who are this year WBro Mark Davis & WBro John Rimmer. The Principle Guests of the evening were R.W.Bro. Alexander Sillars McLaren, Provincial Grand Master for East Lancashire and R.W.Bro. David Sellars, Provincial Grand Master for the Mark Province of Cheshire.

The Provincial Grand Masters of Cheshire and East Lancashire - RWBro Richard Sellars & RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren.
The Provincial Grand Masters of Cheshire and East Lancashire – RWBro Richard Sellars & RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren.
Past Wardens WBro Mark Davis PProvGSW and WBro John Rimmer PProvGJW
Past Wardens WBro Mark Davis PProvGSW and WBro John Rimmer PProvGJW
The newly appointed Wardens, WBro Roger Fielding ProvGSW and WBro Kevin Reaney ProvGJW
The newly appointed Wardens, WBro Roger Fielding ProvGSW and WBro Kevin Reaney ProvGJW

The evening started off with a Champagne reception, followed by Melon with Parma Ham, Beef Wellington or Grilled Halibut with seasonal Vegetables, Lemon Soufflé, Cheese Board and Coffee and Mints all suitably complemented with the Royal Arch wines.

The Mess has a tradition to toast the memory of WBro Derek M Heald who passed to the Grand Lodge above in 1994 when in office. A specially engraved crystal cup filled with champagne is circulated and the last member (always the PGM) has to drain the cup. The cup is normally refilled with at least with 6 bottles of champagne on it journey. A fitting memory to a wonderful Mason.

VWBro Mervyn Wilson PGMO PDepPGM sizes up the task ahead.
VWBro Mervyn Wilson PGMO PDepPGM sizes up the task ahead.
The PGM shows how it's done.
The PGM shows how it’s done.

Report by John Barlow.

One thought on “Wardens Mess 2016

  1. Mark Rowe Reply

    Now that’s what I call a glass of wine.

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