WBro Bill Borrell ProvRAMGR – Home Presentation by PGM

WBro Bill Borrell, a member of Prince RAM No24, was unable to attend the Investiture Meeting of Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank held in October at Rochdale.

The RW Provincial Grand Master was aware that WBro Borrell was not in good health and suggested that he might visit WBro Borrell at home to Invest him.

WBro Borrell and his wife Maureen agreed to the visit and on Saturday 24th November, the Provincial Grand Master visited WBro Borrell and Invested him with his Collarette.

WBro Alston Hall, a long time friend of WBro Borrell was also present as he visits him regularly, especially on a Saturday, so that Mrs Borrell can have some time to go shopping.

It was a most enjoyable occasion and I am certain that we all wish Bill well for the future.

Words & pics by PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren RAMGR

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