Ronald Eadie – 50 Years in Mark Masonry!

On the 12th May, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Alex McLaren attended Quatuor Legati Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1165 to celebrate 50 years in Mark Masonry with WBro Ronald Anderson Eadie. The Deputy was accompanied by WBro Trevor Parvin, the Provincial Grand Secretary and WBro Ian Brookes, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.

The Lodge was opened at 6.30 pm and after some Lodge Business was conducted, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master entered the Lodge and was offered the Gavel, which he accepted.

After introducing the Provincial Secretary and Provincial DC the Deputy proceeded with the main item on the Agenda, to celebrate 50 years in Mark Masonry of WBro Ronald Anderson Eadie.

The Deputy requested that WBro Eadie be placed in the centre of the Lodge facing East and he then described the early years of Mr Eadie.

He was born in 1942, in Buckhaven, in Fyfe. He shares a birth year with Cassius Clay, Stephen Hawking, Paul McCartney, Bill Connolly and our MW Grand Master, Prince Michael of Kent.  He went to the local primary school and onto Buckhaven High School.  He left school at 14 and attended Kirkcaldy Catering College. He had a few different jobs before undertaking a full apprenticeship with a local baker.

He was Initiated in Wemyss Lodge No 777(SC) in 1964. He was Passed two weeks later and raised two weeks after that, as is common practice in the Scottish Constitution. He was married that same year to Fernie.  In 1965 WBro Eadie was advanced as a Mark Master Mason also in Wemyss Lodge No 777(SC).

Soon after that Bro Eadie moved down south to the London area to work for the Rank organisation but for several reasons Ron and Fernie moved back north, not to Scotland, but to Bolton where he worked for Warburtons for a good number of years. His role was what we might call today ‘’a trouble shooter’’ helping different bakeries overcome any problems they were experiencing.

In this period Bro Eadie joined Rectitude Lodge in Cheshire and progressed through the Chairs to become WM in 1989. He was Exalted in Francis Columbine Chapter in 1992 and joined Haven Mark Lodge in 1993.

This was a very difficult time for Bro Eadie. His wife Fernie passed away but in due course he met and married Sylvia and they have been together for over 20 years.

He was Appointed PProvAGSuptWks in the Craft in 1996. He joined Gatley Lodge in 1998 and was WM when it closed in 2000. In 2001 he joined Turton Lodge. In 2008 he was Appointed a Provincial Steward in the Royal Arch in Cheshire and Promoted to PProvGSojr in 2011. In 2004 was Appointed PProvAGDC in the Mark Province of Cheshire.

Since retiring in 2007, WBro Eadie,  has been busy as a Steward at Bolton FC and Bury FC.  Also a member and former President of Boltonians Club, supporting Hospital Radio and as an acive member of a daytime Rotary in Bolton.

In 2009 WBRo Eadie joined Anchor and Hope Lodge and was Secretary for three years. In 2014 he joined Quatuor Legati Mark Lodge.

You will agree that he has been a very busy man in and out of Freemasonry.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master then invited the Provincial Secretary to read the Certificate and letters from the Province and the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons after which the Deputy formally presented them to WBro Eadie.

He then invited the Provincial DC to conduct WBro Eadie around the Lodge to the acclaim of the Brethren.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master then invited the WM, WBro George Turner, to accept the Gavel and resume his Chair.

After the Alms collection the Deputy retired with the Delegation and WBro Eadie.

At the Festive Board, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, at the request of the Brethren of the Lodge Proposed the Toast to WBro Eadie and presented him with some lovely crystal glasses from the members of the Lodge.

WBro Eadie responded to his Toast and thanked the Brethren of Quatuor Legati for accepting him as a Member and supporting his 50th Celebration.

The WM then presented a bouquet of flowers to the Deputy to take home for his wife as they were aware that it was his wedding anniversary the following day.

Another very happy and interesting evening of Mark Master Masonry.

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