West Yorkshire Province Visit

On Saturday 7th April myself and a delegation from East Lancashire attended the Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting of West Yorkshire. The Meeting is held at the Bradford Grammar School, which is a wonderful venue, and it is always a most enjoyable occasion.

I was accompanied by the Deputy, WBro John Smith and both Assistants, WBros Tony Davies and Gerry Young as well as VWBro Jeff Huddart and WBros David Rainford and Simon Archer.

There are several Brethren in East Lancashire who are also members in West Yorkshire so it always nice for us to meet and chat with them on the day, especially if they are receiving Honours.

You can see from the attached photograph, taken after the Meeting but before the meal, that a good time was being had by all.

None of us were to know that it would be the last Provincial Meeting that our dear friend Tony would attend……

RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren PGM

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