Wet and Wintery for 136

On a wet winter’s night on Tuesday 10th January at Bury Masonic Hall
William Romaine Callander Lodge of Mark Masons No 136 held their installation meeting. In attendance on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master was VWBro David H Thompson APGM, the acting director of ceremonies WBro Jack Ashton, and a number from the deputation team.

The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master Bro Arthur Woodall PProvGJD along with 20 members and 2 guests in attendance. The Lodge Charity Steward stood up and announced that the Lodge will be donating various sums of money to charity totalling £500.

The installation of Bro Fred Blackburn the Master Elect was carried out by the Worshipful Master and assisted by WBro Anthony Cleworth ADC with the concluding part of the ceremony. The newly installed Worshipful Master took over the proceedings and installed his new team into their various offices with only two brethren being recycled.

This Lodge is going from strength to strength with many new craft masons being recruited from within the Bury District of East Lancashire. This evening we had a very distinguished guest from a Mark Lodge in South Wales who has moved to the area and was made most welcome.

After the business of the meeting had ended by 8:05 the brethren quickly went down to the bar for a swift drink and then proceeded to the dining room where 22 brethren were served a lovely 3-course meal with lots of banter and chatting around the tables. A raffle took place and raised a tidy sum for good causes. The raffle was won by none other than the APGM, David H Thompson who kindly donated it back to the charity Steward

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