Wike Lodge 142 – £500.00 towards festival

Wike Mark lodge No. 142 held their installation meeting on Thursday 12th February at Radcliffe Masonic Hall. In attendance was V.W.Bro. John Hartley Smith P.G.J.O. D.P.G.M. accompanied by the Assistant Provincial Director of Ceremonies W.Bro Stephen Boyle PAGSB and a deputation of acting officers of the year. The main business on the summons was to proclaim W.Bro Paul Easterbrook as the Worshipful Master for a second term of office. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master remarked how pleased he was with the progress of the lodge over the last two years, and that he hoped to see Wike Mark Lodge grow from strength to strength.

The members of the lodge then presented a cheque for £500.00 towards the 2021 festival, which was gratefully received by the  Deputy Provincial Grand Master. At the conclusion of the meeting the brethren and deputation  retired to the dining room for a refreshing drink and meal. A pleasant evening was had by all.

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