Wike Lodge No 142

Wike Lodge No 142 of Mark Masters held an advancement ceremony for not one but two craft masons to become mark men.

In attendance was Deputy Provincial Grand Master WBro David G Rainford along with the Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Wes Marchant. The Lodge opened at 18:10 by the WM Bro Paul Easterbrook who conducted the ceremony along with WBro James Smith. 24 brethren were in attendance including several visitors who assisted on the night. A most enjoyable evening was had in the lodge room advancing Bro Peter Sellers and Bro Garry O Neil into Wike Lodge No 142. The social board was buzzing with 23 brethren who enjoyed a lovely meal served by Fine Dine. The raffle raised a fantastic amount of £130 towards good causes. A very happy meeting indeed

One thought on “Wike Lodge No 142

  1. Stephen Lord Reply

    Great report and different photos.

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