Wike Mark 142 – Installation

Wednesday, 8th February at Radcliffe Masonic Hall, Bolton Road, with WBro Thomas Stewart Mills PAGStb, who on this occasion was attending as the representative of the Provincial Grand Master. Also in attendance was WBro David G Rainford, DepPGM who was a member of the Lodge. The meeting was well attended by 26 brethren and was opened at 6:05 pm by the Worshipful Master Bro Garry M Jones who welcomed everyone present.

The purpose of the evening was to install Bro C Jack Cooper into the chair of Adoniram which was carried out in a most appropriate manner by WBro Garry M Jones. The Charity Steward gave notice of money to be donated, including the ELMBF, Bolton Hospice and the Provincial meeting which will be held at Bolton Town Hall this year.

The newly installed Worshipful Master then proceeded to install his new team into their respective offices. And on this occasion, there were no Provincial Officers on the floor. It was indeed a pleasure to see all light blue in office. The proceedings of the Lodge being concluded the Lodge was closed at 7:45, after which the brethren went to the dining room and bar for a well-deserved meal and drinks. A most memorable night was had by all

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