On Tuesday 6th October William Romaine Callender 136 held its first zoom meeting. In attendance was RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren, PGM along with 13 members. The meeting was opened up at 7-30 sharp by the Worshipful Master W.Bro Raymond Short. The agenda was conducted in proper form and the W.M. kept everyone in order. If any member interrupted……………….. ( mute )!!!. A tribute was given by W.Bro Ray Sullivan relating to the sad passing of W.Bro Mark Crosby at a very young age.
Hopefully, in 2021 W.Bro Kenneth Laidlaw will be able to hold his 50th year as a Mark Mason.
2021 is also a special year as W R C will be 150 years old.
The meeting ended by the RWPGM saying that W R C 136 was doing very well under these difficult conditions with two advancements in the pipeline for a future meeting, hopefully in early 2021.
The WM closed the Zoom meeting at 8-25.