William Romaine Callender Lodge No.136 – Installation

William Romaine Callender Lodge No 136 Installation meeting took place at the Masonic Hall, Parsons Lane, Bury on 12th January 2016.

The Lodge was honoured by the presence of WBro Tony Davies PGStwd, APGM accompanied by a Provincial Escort.

APGM WBro Tony Davies with WM Tony Cleworth

APGM WBro Tony Davies with WM Tony Cleworth

At the start of the meeting there was a sincere Memorium given to WBro John Rennie PProvGSD who was called to higher service on 7 December 2015.

WM WBro. Kenneth Laidlaw Installed W.Bro Anthony E Cleworth Master Elect as Worshipful Mark Master for the ensuing year, assisted by Officers of the Lodge. Business Item number 4 on the summons was to propose donations; the WM announced that £50 was to be donated to the Charity of his choice, to the ELMBF £100, for the 2021 Festival £420, and £50 to defray the cost of Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Meeting.

During the Social Board WM WBro Anthony Cleworth handed over the 3 cheques to WBro Tony Davies and thanked the APGM for his first visit in his current rank to the William Romaine Callender Lodge together with the Provincial Escort Team, Officers of his Lodge and the Visitors.

There were 32 Masons who dined. The collection for good causes raised £70 and the raffle raised the sum of £101. WBro Tony Davies APGM responded by thanking the WM. He also emphasised on recruitment, that Craft Lodges should encourage members to join the Mark Degree. Guests should also be invited to the Social Board and asked if they want to join the Lodge.

He also mentioned the recent flooding in the areas close by and that if any Mark Mason was affected by this unfortunate circumstance, attention should be given to their plight. The ELMBF has already donated £25,000 to help with flood relief. Finally, he thanked the WM for the generous donations to the 2021 Festival and urged the Brethren to buy the new cufflinks at £10 a pair, which suitably matched the tie.

One thought on “William Romaine Callender Lodge No.136 – Installation

  1. W Bro Mark Rowe Reply

    A very good night we should also mention that W Bro John Rennies wife donated a very fine bottle of Jonnie Walker Blue label. Ensuring that all present could celebrate his life and his love of the Mark.
    Cheers John RIP

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