Wycoller Mark Installation – why the heck not go back in the chair

I always feel that once you have been through the chair of any lodge and installed your successor; there is a big gap to fill. You tend to have learned lots of rituals and become very familiar with the ceremonial duties of the lodge, its officers and your own position of Worshipful Master. Then why the heck not go back in the chair several years later and do it all again. The majority of ritual will still be there and you will have become more comfortable in yourself and be capable of filling the position of Worshipful Master with a lot more skill and confidence. Well, that was my thinking anyway. 

We had a rather splendid installation ceremony even though one or two key people couldn’t attend. Our assistant DC worked tirelessly to pull everything together and even had time to explain the collarette and the address to the Worshipful Master. I did say you become more confident and skilful. We managed to appoint almost all of the officers to their post on the night and it was gratifying to see several brethren who had not already been through the chair in positions on the floor.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master V.W.Bro. John Hartley Smith attended and represented the Provincial Grand Master on the occasion. He even took part in the ceremony and delivered a precise and meaningful address to the brethren at the end of the proceedings. Accompanying the D.Prov.G.M. was a deputation of 8 acting Provincial officers of the year. It was great to see them out in the province and I look forward to being amongst them at the next provincial visit.

Our festive board was well supported, which comes as no surprise, as the catering and pricing at Colne Masonic Hall are very sensible. The traditional toasts and responses were all aired as they should and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master reminded us of the importance and fast approaching 2021 Festival and commented on Wycollers performance to the total. 

It was a well-delivered Installation and a much enjoyed festive board that will be in the memory of the brethren for some time. Well at least until next year.

2 thoughts on “Wycoller Mark Installation – why the heck not go back in the chair

  1. Roy Cook Reply

    yes i agree have been in my craft
    lodge chair 10 times over 46 yrs
    mark 2 ram 2 rose croix 2
    also how do i get to know about
    these installations ?

    1. Garry Errock Reply

      Hi Roy.

      Click on “Calendar” for details of all meetings.

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