Wycoller Mark – open night

The Provincial Grand Master has always encouraged Mark Lodges to host an open lodge meeting to attract new members and generate interest in the Mark degree, especially those from Craft lodges within the building. Well, Wycoller Mark 1582 did just that at its meeting on Wednesday the 19th of April.

Initial responses from non-members were very low and it was even suggested that we cancel it. However, a few Craft Lodge meetings later in the month changed all that. The Worshipful Master Ian Salthouse welcomed 10 visitors into Wycoller Lodge, which transformed the meeting completely.

There was a short explanation about the degree from our Director of Ceremonies W.Bro Graham Smith PJGD which turned into quite the discussion, with several questions coming from the visitors. We retired to the social board and had a very pleasant dinner with the questions and conversation continuing. It was a very pleasant meeting, especially with a full social board.

There were definitely two new brethren wishing to join, and potentially three re-joining members expressing interest. A change of meeting dates may be on the cards to accommodate several more members who can’t make the regular Wednesday evening dates. 

We learnt a lot about organising such an event and how to make it interesting, but in all, it was a surprising success and something that Wycoller Mark would recommend is done regularly.

One thought on “Wycoller Mark – open night

  1. Bob Summers Reply

    It was a very enjoyable and successful night for the Mark Degree. If anyone needs a proposer to join then let me know.
    I’m friends with all of the visitors on the night and it would be a real joy to have them in the Lodge.

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