Yet another Advancement

Tuesday, 8th March, William Romaine Callender Mark Lodge No 136 held their meeting at Bury Masonic Hall, Parsons Lane, Bury. This evening was a special occasion as they were going to advance yet another brother into the Mark degree family.

The Worshipful Master, Bro Arthur Woodall, PProvGJD, welcomed the 15 Brethren, including one visitor, who were in attendance. The Lodge opened up at 6:35 and then proceeded with the summons. The ballot was taken to approve and if successful to advance Bro Steven John Chadwick a member of Egerton Lodge in Bury.

The ballot was successful and the Worshipful Master proceeded with the ceremony of advancement. WBro Tony Cleworth, PGStB, the ADC, did sterling work in the lodge room along with many members who took part. WBro Stewart Mills, PAGStB, presented Bro Chadwick with a personal letter from the Provincial Grand Master welcoming him into the Mark degree. Bro James Graig Hindle was then presented with his Grand Lodge certificate by the Worshipful Master Bro Arthur Woodall in a fitting manner.

The proceedings of the Lodge were closed at 8:05. Onto the social board were 14 brethren sat down to a pleasant meal served by Finedine Catering. The usual raffle took place and raised £75 towards good causes. A very pleasant evening indeed

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