Zoom – Annual Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting.

Annual Meeting 26th May 2021. The Virtual Business Meeting was declared open at 19:00 by the Provincial Grand Master, R W Bro Alex McLaren .
After the traditional tributes to 23 departed Brethren, called to higher service since May 2020, the Provincial Grand Master welcomed 106 brethren from the Province of East Lancashire and a further 75 invited guests including 23 Mark Provincial and District Grand Masters and 11 Heads of other Orders.
The regular business of the meeting this year included a proposal for the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Lodge Fees to be waived for 2021 which was well received and approved by the brethren.
In his Address, the Provincial Grand Master expressed his pleasure at the number of brethren attending and hoped that next year we should be able to return to Blackburn for our traditional meeting format. We are all looking forward to meeting in our Lodges again as soon as conditions permit. He confirmed that to assist brethren prior to the resumption, we would be organising a few virtual Lodges of Instruction using an active graphic representation of a lodge room. Further details will be available in due course.
R W Bro. McLaren also announced the formation of two Provincial Grand Masters Lodges of Instruction for Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges respectively. Semper Paratus Mark Lodge No. 852 will be the Mark Lodge vehicle commencing with the Installation Meeting in September. The Lodge will meet twice a year when Advancement and Installation ceremonies respectively will be worked. Brethren interested in joining and/or participating should contact W.Bro. Peter Lambert the Lodge Secretary for further information.
The Membership Forum was set up last Autumn to support recruitment and assist the re-invigoration of our Lodges. In the absence of live meetings, the principal focus has been on improving the visibility and image of the Mark Degree in our Province focussed on the Provincial Website and Facebook. Our website has been refreshed and made more intuitive, also we now have an improved Facebook presence and increased activity in all areas.
The Provincial Grand Master concluded by declaring that all Provincial Acting Officers will retain their rank for a second year and there are no new first appointments to active or past rank. He declared the reappointment of VW Bro John Smith as DPGM, WBro Gerald Young as APGM and VWBro David Thompson as APGM.
A list of Brethren promoted in Provincial Grand Rank was then read by the WBro. David Rainford PGSec accompanied by an active screen list.
For a full list of Acting Officers and Promoted Brethren: click here Mark Provincial Appointments.
Provincial Grand Lodge Virtual Meeting was closed by the Provincial Grand Master with good wishes to everyone present.

WBro G N H Young APGM

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